Sunday, July 19, 2020

Joyful Self-abasement - The truthfulness of Humility

  When I shared my blog post on Friday, which I wrote on St. Crispin of Viterbo. I noticed that in the introductory paragraph, I had in mind to write "The life of a true Christian" but ended up writing "The life of a through Christian." This, however, was made known to me by one of my brother. I was really disturbed because I had already shared the post to many social media platforms. Even though i corrected it in the various platforms, I was still disturbed because of the persons that would have read it. Thus, I shared my plight with my brothers, some of whom sympathized with me but one made a comment that got me thinking. He said, "You are disturbed because you think you are beyond mistakes but you are not God." This statement sent me to meditation and I began to think about myself.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

ST. CRISPIN - "One doesn't get to heaven on a taxi"

“The life of a true Christian is a perpetual strive against self”, said St. Maria Faustina, and so it is. Every good Christian knows that he ought to continually strive against his natural inclinations, in other to be that which God wills for him. This fact was not unknown to St. Crispin Fioretti of Viterbo. Despite his weak constitution, he made every possible effort to live a life of total dedication to God and he succeeded unto eternal life.

Born at Viterbo, Italy on the 13th of November, 1668. He was named Peter. His Father, Ubald died when he was still very young and left his upbringing, with that of his step-sister, in the hands of the poor mother, Marsha. His mother dedicated him to Mary when he was still small and told him “this is your mother too. I have made you a gift to her”, Crispin never forgot those words. Because of their poor condition, his uncle provided for his schooling. He, also, worked as a cobbler for his uncle. At the age of 25, he applied to the Capuchins, after the example of St. Felix of Cantalice. He was accepted but met with oppositions, both from the family and from the novice master himself. To the glory of God, he overcame the oppositions. In the Order, he took the name Crispin after the example of St. Crispin, patron of Cobblers. However, he never served the Order as a cobbler. After his vows on the 22nd of July, 1694, he worked as a cook, orchard keeper, infirmarian and finally, questor for 38years. 

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

St. Bonaventure - Second founder of the Franciscan Order

St. Francis de Sales in the third Chapter of his Introduction to Devout life, teaches that devotion is for everyone, in any state whatsoever. Even though the approach may differ. For a married shouldn't endeavor to be poor like a Capuchin, or a business man be in the Church all day like a Monk and vice-versa. But each one should endeavor to find the devotion suitable for his state. This was very practical in the life of St. Bonaventure. As a young man, a young friar, a professor in the University, the General Minister of the Order of Friars Minor, and a Cardinal Archbishop, he found a way to practice virtue and devotion in all these different states.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

ST CAMILLUS DE LELLIS- Founder of Red Cross

    "If there were no poor people in the world, we should have to go below the earth to look for them and rescue them, to show them compassion and do them good!" These words of St. Camillus de Lellis, summarized his person and spirituality. He dedicated his life to the works of Charity and to bringing joy to weary souls.
        Born on the 25th of May, 1550 at Chieti in the Abruzzi, part of Naples. His mother Camilla was nearly fifty when she gave birth to him, and his Father was an officer of both the Neapolitan and French Royal armies and was seldom home. Thus, Camillus grew up not being well directed in the ways of the Lord. He entered the military, however, and after some years in the army, his regiment was disbanded in 1575. After wasting all his possession, he took work as a laborer in a Capuchin friary. It was to the words and encouragements of the Guardian (Superior) of the community that he owes his conversion. He entered the novitiate of the Capuchin Order but because of a leg ailment which seemed incurable, he was denied admission to the Order. Then, he began his life of Charity and asceticism. He felt that he needed a religious Order that will be dedicated to this works of Charity and thus, he sought to become a priest. Through the help of a donor, he was able to pass through the seminary training and was ordained on the Pentecost of 1584.

Sunday, July 12, 2020


        The message of Fatima is that of Prayer, Penance and Sacrifice. Our Lady, appearing to the Children, made known to them the need for the world to embark on prayers, penances and sacrifices because of the numerous sin which offend the divine Majesty.

          The apparition on the 13th of July, 1917 was particularly peculiar because of the several events that took place. Firstly, before the day, Lucia was reluctant to go to the scene of the apparition because of the words of the Pastor, that the devil might be responsible for the apparitions. Nevertheless, her doubts were cleared prior to the day. Also, the apparition was particularly important because of the three secrets of the apparition, which the Children guarded zealously. The first two was revealed by Lucia in her Third Memoir and the later was communicated only to the Bishop, who sent it unread to Pope Pius XII.

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