We, creatures of God, are all children of the same Father. There is always a necessary connection between all children of the same father. It is only our sins that causes a kind of distancing between us and our other brethren in nature. St. Francis, the perfect imitator of Christ, through his life of holiness, traced back his roots with his brethren to a great extent. His life of Holiness and deep sense of the universal brotherhood, both with men and other creatures, gained him a filial relationship with all creatures of God. So, it was the case that he could communicate with animals and they would understand and obey his words.
Thus, around the year 1220, in the town of Gubbio. There was a fierce wolf that began to devour the lives of both humans and livestock. The presence of the wolf began to spread much fear among the populace. It always stationed outside the town gates waiting for anyone that would dare to venture alone to devour him. All those who tried to kill it, received the same fate as those who ventured outside the city gates alone.