“I pledge to Nigeria my country, to be faithful, loyal and honest…” The opening words of the Nigerian national pledge, is one that seems to ‘subtlety and freely’ demand obedience from its people. The citizen, out of freedom, pledges to obey. Stemming from Socrates, Aristotle, down to all social contract theorists, the concept of civil-obedience, is something that is required as a payback which the government gets in return of its protection of life and property of the people. Society, has come to stay as a result of search for order in human chaotic nature hence, it is a creation of man. Civility, equality, respect, common good, criticism, all ought to be the features of a civil society, thus it should be conceived as a sphere of solidarity and subsidiarity, in which a certain kind of universalizing community comes gradually to be defined and to a certain degree, enforced. It ought to thrive on public opinion, possessing its own cultural codes, in a democratic idiom. Patterned by a set of peculiar institutions.