Ladislaus Boros begins his shocking yet captivating The Mystery of Death, by citing the bitter remark from the poem; Man’s Estate: “you know what they say: it takes nine months to create a man and only a single day to destroy him. When man is utterly a man, when that manhood has been achieved, the only thing he is good for is to die.” The existentialists’ mantra advances that there is no pre-given essence for man, rather, man actively creates for himself an essence through commitments to a certain course of life. Although an over ambitious humanism is found within this thesis, it nonetheless posits to us the very core of Mary’s dilemma. It presents to us the very picture of man. It is that picture of us when we are devoid of friends, those instances when no relative is close, no acquaintance is ready to hand, to whom we may run to for urgent advice. But the paradox of such moments is that when those decisions are eventually made by us, we have the whole world streaming towards us, either to congratulate us or to offer to us, their own portion of the numerous criticisms we receive. The question which therefore borders us here is: what does it really take the human to decide. Can the presumptions that inform our decisions be duly passed through the crucible of sincerity?
Monday, May 17, 2021
Thursday, May 6, 2021
The title of Mary as Super omnes speciosa was used by the composer of the Latin Marian hymn "Ave Regina Caelorum" to describe the position of Mary in the company of the blessed. The Latin phrase can be translated to mean the fairest amongst the fair or the most beautiful amongst the beautiful. Thus, Mary is presented as the most glorious amongst the blessed in Heaven. This is a usual attribute given to Mary in her special role as the Theotokos (Mother of God) and in her singular privilege of been immaculately conceived whilst maintaining that immaculateness all her life. Thus, both by reason of her position as the Mother of God and her life of sinlessness, Mary has a special place among the Elect.
Wednesday, May 5, 2021
CONTRACEPTION vs NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING: An Applied Ethical point of view.
Man, by nature is utilitarian- always drawn to the pleasurable, and withdrawn from the distasteful. This explains why he is always in search of both apriori and aposteriori arguments which may suit his views. The research which faces us, namely; the difference, if any exists, between natural family planning and contraception, is one which admits of no middle ground. Nevertheless, before we can stand in a position to state what the matter is, we need to investigate what each means in its very nature.
Monday, April 5, 2021
Basically, I love my family, I love my friends and as a Christian I try my best to be good to those who I don't really like maybe because their personality does not appeal to me, or they have annoyed me in one way or the other or because of any other reason that could make me not to like a person. However, one thing that I never doubted while growing up maybe because it is a seemingly conventual assertion or because of my ignorance of the Truth, is that I love God. We all love God, don't we? We mostly answer in the affirmative when such a question come up and it seems surprising or rather scandalous to us when we actually get to know that there are people who are indifferent towards God.
Tuesday, March 9, 2021
What is it that really makes life meaningful? I think that something must be added to the question to save it from genericity. A revision of the question will be : what is it that makes life meaningful for me? Here, I appeal to the theory of Subjectivity, for it is the case that whatever makes life meaningful must affect the individual individually. What makes life meaningful for person A may be different from what makes life meaningful for person B and C. Hence, each individual will have to decipher or identify what makes life meaningful for him or her. So, what is it that makes life meaningful for you.
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